What yoga and my plants taught me
Jun 10, 2019
Root to rise: what yoga and my plants taught me
I’m a practicing yogi with a nearly daily practice. In yoga, you often hear the term “root to rise”. It means to get your foundation stable before trying to stand into a different pose. Plants do that, too. I’ve been working on the plants on my patio and yard and observed that when a plant is transplanted, you don’t see any new growth that’s visible in the flowers and leaves until the roots are established. It’s a good reminder. Just because changes are not visible does not mean they are not happening.
A private journey to re-establish my roots
I haven’t been public about the journey that I’ve been on for the last 4 to 5 months. In fact, I haven’t blogged at all during that time because I simply wasn’t ready. I needed time to heal from the car accident, time to adjust to my daughter being in a new school and time to work out some challenges in my day job. Now, I am ready.
Renewed commitment to the larger mission
I am more committed than ever to my larger mission which is to spread love and light far and wide. Thought I haven’t been blogging, I have been working hard. I have been saving a lot of my work for the right time and the right publisher. But I firmly believe that this work needs to be released into the world right now. I’m no longer waiting for someone to publish my work. The time is right for me to do this myself, now. That said, I’m still open for a contract from a publisher and looking for an agent. So if you know anyone…
A new release
I am thrilled to tell you that I have just published my first book of Journal prompts. It is available now through Amazon in paperback and as an e-book for kindle. I just returned from Paris where I took a trip with my teenage daughter. Being in a different space on vacation was very therapeutic for me. It’s giving me lots of ideas and lots of things to write about. I’ll be bringing your thoughts, ideas, inspirations,And stories in the blog each week. I can’t wait to share with you! Thank you for being a part of my journey and for being patient with me while I was developing my own roots. I invite you to check out the books! Let me know what you think! Here is the new journal complete with prompts and space to write. Here is an ebook version for your Kindle. All my love, Brenda