The Leadership Upgrade: How to Make High-Stakes Decisions with Intuition & Ease

aligned decisions aligned leadership blueprint authentic leadership body wisdom brenda winkle community advocacy decision fatigue decision-making challenges emotional responses energetic alignment energetic leadership energy management gut-heart-mind check-in heart-driven leadership high achievers intuitive clarity intuitive leadership leadership clarity leadership experience leadership journey leadership skills leadership tools leadership upgrade masterclass overwhelmed leaders personal growth protect your energy release energy self-care transformative leadership trust the yes unique gifts visionary leaders visualization technique your yes filled life zip up Mar 04, 2025

 In episode 169 of Your Yes Filled Life, you'll be guided through a framework to make high-stakes decision making feel so much easier. You can listen here or keep reading to learn more.

You built your business or career for freedom. To make a difference. To create an impact. So why does success still feel so heavy?

If you’re leading, growing, and making an impact—but still carrying the weight of every decision, every responsibility, and every next move—this post is for you.

Because here’s the truth: Leadership isn’t about doing more. It’s about knowing what only you should be doing.

And that starts with a Leadership Upgrade—one that shifts you out of stress mode and into intuitive, high-level decision-making.

Why Leadership Feels Heavy (and What to Do About It)

You started this journey for impact, for freedom, for fulfillment. Yet somewhere along the way, leadership became synonymous with exhaustion, with carrying it all.

Here’s why:

✔️ Every major decision still runs through you. Even things that wouldn't have to run through you - do. 
✔️ Your calendar is packed, but there’s no space for strategic thinking. Let alone space to connect with your intuition. 
✔️ You’re intuitive, but you’re second-guessing yourself. You find yourself over-thinking more often than not.
✔️ Growth sounds amazing, but deep down, you worry it’ll bring more stress.

The missing piece? How you manage your energy and decision-making.

Most leadership advice focuses on strategy (which matters), but it’s only half the equation. The real game-changer? Energetic alignment and intuitive clarity.

When your energy is drained, your access to intuition weakens. And when your intuition weakens, decisions feel heavier, messier, and more exhausting.

So how do we fix that?

The 3-Step Decision Framework for Visionary Leaders

If you’re ready to make clear, confident decisions without the second-guessing, this is for you.

Step 1: Protect Your Energy First

Think of your energy like brushing your teeth. You don’t only brush after eating sugar—you brush every day, no matter what.

Your energy hygiene is the same. You need to protect your energy daily, whether you feel like you need it or not.

Two simple ways to do this:

1️⃣ Zip Up Method: Visualize a protective shield around your energy. Start at your pubic bone and zip up over your head three times. This keeps external energy out, so you’re not absorbing everyone else’s stress.

2️⃣ “What’s Mine is Mine” Practice: At the end of each day (or after an intense conversation), say:
"What’s mine is mine. What’s yours is yours."
This sends back any energy that isn’t yours, so you’re not carrying decisions, stress, or emotions that don’t belong to you.

Step 2: The Gut-Heart-Mind Check-In

Your body holds wisdom beyond your mind. And yet, most high-achievers only listen to logic—ignoring their intuition in the process.

We'll go into this much deeper in the free mastreclass, Energetic Leadership. The goal is to check in with all three:

✔️ Gut
✔️ Heart 
✔️ Mind 

When in doubt, trust what’s deeper in your body. The gut and heart always know before the mind catches up. It's not uncommon for the mind to think something different than the gut or heart. At the free masterclass, I'll show you what to do and how to tell the difference. 

Step 3: Trust the YES & Release Everything Else

If it’s not a full-bodied YES, it’s a NO.

A maybe = a no.

When you operate this way, clarity skyrockets. Instead of lingering in indecision, you trust the YES and let go of the rest.

Try it. Start releasing the “maybes” and watch what happens.

What Would Change If You Fully Implemented This?

✨ How much easier would leadership feel?
✨ How much more energy would you have?
✨ How much faster would you make aligned decisions?

This is what intuitive leadership looks like—powerful, clear, and effortless.

If this resonates, you’re invited to go deeper inside my free masterclass, Energetic Leadership, happening on March 12.

🎯 Join me here:

This isn’t about doing more—it’s about leading smarter.

See you there. 🚀

If you're reading this after March 12... still go click on the link. You can catch the replay.