Guilt-free recipe… a summer time treat!
Jun 20, 2016
After Monday’s blog about Orlando. I thought we needed a lighter topic today. So today, a special treat!! Literally!
Summer time means treats for many of us. I love treats! And I love eating health-fully. And I love a guilt-free recipe… I really need some guilt-free recipes because I have a major sweet-tooth. I love dessert!
In particular, I love ice-cream. I could eat it every day. Ok, ok… I do eat ice-cream every day. I would like to eat ice-cream as a guilt-free treat. So I began searching for guilt-free recipes. There are so many to be found! But one of my favorites came from my mom.
My mom had researched dairy free ice-creams when my niece developed a daily allergy and she had saved this recipe. It doesn’t say where it is from. I wish I could give credit to whomever came up with this deliciousness.
This is truly amazing! It has the look and feel of real ice-cream. It is dairy-free, nut-free, gluten-free and you can make it sugar-free if you like (although keep in mind that fruit does contain sugar so by sugar free, I really mean no-sugar-added). This is the perfect guilt-free recipe!
You can switch up the main fruit or even mix and match! It calls for frozen berries which are cheaper than the fresh berries, so that’s a win! You can use fresh berries, but you’ll have to wait for them to freeze. So we just cut to the chase and use the frozen berries.
And here it is!!
Guilt-Free Recipe ~ Berry Blast Ice-cream
- 2 cups of frozen fruit – the original recipe calls for strawberries which are fantastic! We have also tried mixed berries, cherries, mango, and a mixture. All are great!
- 2 TBSP – 1/4 cup of unsweetened almond milk (adjust according to the texture you want)
- 1 avocado
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract (get the pure vanilla extract because it doesn’t have any added sugar or HFCS)
- 1 tsp – 1 TBSP Honey, agave, or steevia (optional)
Place fruit and avocado into your food processor and run for 20-30 seconds. Add the almond milk and vanilla extract. Continue to process the mixture until it is the consistency you want. It will be a big like preparing a smoothie, so be patient and wait for the texture to be creamy. If you are adding sweetener, add that and re-blend.
This is best served immediately but can also be re-frozen. If re-freezing, allow it to thaw for at least 30 minutes prior to dishing it. Garnish with fresh fruit or a mint leaf if you like. Enjoy!
Did you catch last Wednesday’s interview featuring Caitlin Lanier? We discussed the healing power of yoga. In particular we talked about the incredible healing trauma-sensitive yoga makes possible. You can access that right here!