Angel Card Reading for the week of April 23 – 29
Apr 23, 2016
No, you aren’t having a deja vu. 🙂 You HAVE seen this image before. This card came up two weeks ago!
If this angel card reading has crossed your path, it is definitely for you.
This is significant because cards that pop up more than once are a sure sign the message is for you. This time, this card is to assure you great opportunity awaits. Prepare for it. It’s coming!
Do not lose faith because you don’t see the evidence. It’s like the root of a tree. There is a lot going on below the surface that isn’t visible to you.
The angels are working on your behalf. They promise you the opportunity your heart seeks is on its way. It is yours!
Prepare for it. Act as if it’s already happened. The universe will match your feelings and actions with your opportunity realized.
Also, be sure you aren’t block your opportunity. Even if you are blocking, it is still yours it will be just a bit slower in coming.
Take down every resistance for your current situation by embracing it fully. Then, and only then when you are back in the flow, your opportunity will present itself. Don’t be surprised if it looks differently than you plan. That’s ok! It’s still just for you and it will be the right thing.
Have faith, my friend. Your opportunity is almost here!
Release. Especially with tonight’s full moon (Saturday, April 22 – you’ll still be in the full moon energy through Monday, April 25), release. Release your expectations and your resistance. Accept and allow. And prepare for what’s next! It will be even better than you imagine.
For a private online reading click here. For a private in-person, phone or Skype reading please click here.
Check back on Monday for Monday’s blog and Thursday for the video tip of the week. If you haven’t signed up yet for the newsletter, you’ll want to! All subscribers are going to receive an iTunes version of a brand new meditation on April 20.
Love and light to you.
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