Are you ready to transform the way you see yourself so you can step into the fulfillment and self-actualization of the life you deserve?
I'm sayin Yes to Me!Welcome to Yes-to-MeÂ
A 3 Day Challenge
 Say YES to you so that you can live the life of your dreams
Join us for a 3 day challenge to embrace self-discovery and empowerment.
 June 18, 19 and 21 - 90 minutes each day
This is for you if you ...
- Ready to find the confidence and courage to say YES to the things that light you up. You’re ready to let go of any fear even if you aren’t sure how.
- Willing to let go of feeling bad and self-conscious for wanting what you want - even if you aren't sure how to let go.
Ready for YOUR turn. You’ve spent the last chapter putting others first. But you are ready for that to shift.
**Replays available within 24 hours**
After these three days you'll feel more....
Empowered, Renewed, Connected, Inspired, Confident,  Optimistic, uplifted, motivated, and more deeply connected to your inner strengths and capabilities, ready to implement what you’ve learned and embrace your next steps with enthusiasm.
This transformation is possible, and I'm here to guide you!
Join me in the live YES to ME 3 Day Journey, where you'll experience:
✨ Breathwork healingÂ
✨ Meditations to support you
✨ Energetic techniques to elevate your energyÂ

I had to miss a couple of the lives but even watching the replays the love and power of this group was palpable. I could meditate with Brenda Winkle ALL.DAY.LONG! And now adding the breathwork has been incredible! I am able to feel and hear my body in ways that I don't think I ever have before and it leaves me feeling grounded and better able to love and appreciate my body and I am letting go of a lot of crap that I have been carrying around in there!

You have taught me that I am my highest authority and I am so grateful for that! I think even 6 months ago I would have thought that the expert/teacher would always know better than me. And I feel like I am starting to recognize the difference between resistance and trusting my own knowing and being okay if something doesn't work or feel right to me.

I joined the challenge because, after doing the intention-setting workshop, I wanted to continue to be in Brenda's resonance and energy because I was learning so much from her and it feels really good to be in the presence of her and her community.

Prioritize YOU.
Explore the transformative power of saying 'Yes' to yourself, much like a butterfly readying to break free from its cocoon.

Boundaries made simple.
Create time and space for sustaining your transformation and flourishing in every aspect of your life.

Create the butterfly effect
Begin the process of taking the foot off the brakes on your dreams by healing in the body. You past doesn't have to control your future.
Yes-to-Me 3 Day Challenge
Say Yes to You so you can create the life of YOUR dreams with energetic hygiene, healthy boundaries and a healing nervous system.
I'm saying Yes to Me!Hi! I'm Brenda
I am an educator, healer, and guide who helps sensitive and successful high performers find, reclaim and live from their full embodied YES. Through empowering my clients to understand what's theirs/what's not, creating the boundaried YES and guiding them to full capacity living -  they are able to create their YES-Filled Lives and move through their days with more freedom, ease, and joy. Try breathwork free in a 4 part video series designed for busy high achievers on the go. Get instant access here: https://www.brendawinkle.com/breatheÂ
 My Story
It’s February 2007, and I've just arrived home from a leadership conference. “Finally”, I was just thinking to myself on the plane, “Finally I can create the life I dream of with my partner and daughter, friends and laughter, wealth and abundance, and travel while creating an impact in the world.” I’m feeling alive with excitement, expansion, and possibility. Beautiful, capable, and inspired.Â
As soon as I pass through the security doors and see my family, my heart sinks. Not because I’m not happy to see them, but because I come face to face with the life of compromises I’ve created for myself. I already feel small.Â
The joy I’d felt before morphed into tears of despair as I lay curled up on the floor of my closet, sobbing into a pillow. Again.Â
I don’t recognize myself. I’ve lost myself putting everyone else first. I’ve lost sight of my hopes and dreams. Couldn’t even remember what they were.
I didn’t know what I liked, what I wanted, what I needed, or who I was. I just know something has to change. But today, all I can do is curl up in the closet and sob.
I grew up in a tiny town called Chadron, Nebraska. My dad was the college band director. My mom, also a professional music educator, taught private lessons.Â
My parents were hard-working midwesterners and they often traveled for professional musical events. I got my love of travel from them.
When I was a little girl, I could feel others around me and sense what they needed. I always knew what everyone was feeling but didn't understand that not everyone could do that. I was told not to be so sensitive, that it was all in my imagination.
I held myself back, staying quiet, and observing those around me. Along the way, I stopped fully feeling my feelings because it felt so much easier to feel other people’s feelings. I fell into people pleasing and doing for others because I could deeply feel their pain, their needs, and their desires. Part of me liked being the one that could support them. It gave me a sense of purpose and importance, helping them through their challenges. But what I didn't see is that I was finding people who would just take so that I could give.Â
Being the daughter of musicians, it was easy to become a music educator myself. I wanted to be the best of the best, just like my parents. I honed my skills. Built my resume and became a well-recognized music educator.Â
While I loved the work, I hustled for my worth. I chased opportunities, awards, and recognition. It was never enough. I hustled faster and harder.
Somewhere along the way, I stopped listening to my body and my inner knowing. I kept working but my body talked. I talked back with antacids, ibuprofen, and caffeine.Â
I’d joined Mary Kay two years earlier to make friends and plot a course to a career other than teaching. I ended up finding myself in a community of women who believed in me far more than I ever believed in myself. Their belief in me buoyed me until I could learn to truly believe I was worthy of happiness, love, and fulfillment.Â
The moment this all shifted was when I found myself on the closet floor in 2007. In that final time of sobbing on the floor, I had had enough.Â
I asked for help. My Mary Kay sisterhood rallied with the support I could never have dreamed of providing resources and help, furnishing our home, loving me while I healed from the divorce, and offering friendship and community. Their belief in me saved me and taught me to believe in myself.
I rebuilt my life. I realized how much I had done for everyone because it felt easy to meet their needs. I could see how much I had given and overgiven my entire life to those around me, never thinking of my own needs, never choosing people who would reciprocate.Â
I recognized that I needed to shift so that I could call in healthier relationships, friendships, and connections. It started with me learning how to recover from people pleasing, setting boundaries, learning to protect energy, and healing my nervous system. I’d disowned my own gifts of high sensitivity and empathy, intuition, and healing as a way to “fit in”.Â
I decided to reclaim my intuitive gifts and then discovered energy healing, and went on my own healing journey.Â
I studied energy healing and became certified in several modalities, learned to read oracle cards, and am a trauma-informed breathwork facilitator.Â
Now, I am surrounded by people who respect and love me for who I am. And I love to give and nurture others in a way that is fueling to me.Â
Now I give from a place of overflow, not depletion. I give from a full body YES and teach other people to find their own full body YES.Â
Today, I work with the most beautiful, empathic, highly sensitive people who were probably told “Don’t be so sensitive” or “You’re too much”.Â
I help you embody your sensitivity and turn it into your superpower. I help you see the ways that your big, beautiful heart has just wanted to love and serve. I help you find a healthy and fulfilling way to do that through healing.Â
These days, when I’m in my closet, it’s to put on the clothes that make me feel beautiful and connected to my body. Clothes that remind me, I’m living my own Yes Filled Life.
Brenda Winkle is an educator, healer, speaker, and guide who helps sensitive and successful high performers find, reclaim and live from their full embodied YES. Through empowering her clients to understand whats theirs/what's not, establish the boundaried YES, and create heal to full capacity living, they are able to create their YES-Filled Lives and move through their days with more freedom, ease, and joy.
She is the host and creator of Your Yes Filled Life, a podcast globally rated in the top 5% of all podcasts. Her mission is simple; to help people feel better and she has been doing so for the past 8 years.
She says, "Healing heals forward. The most important thing you can do for your family and the planet is to embrace your own healing. Healed people, heal people"Â
Brenda is a certified trauma-informed breathwork facilitator, and trauma-informed Reiki Master, and is certified and highly trained in multiple energy healing modalities that she offers in her "Heal to the Yes" method.  Brenda is an empath, a highly sensitive person, and an intuitive. She was a music educator for 26 years and has a Masters's Degree in Educational Leadership. Brenda is currently working on a certification in somatic coaching.
I'm saying Yes to Me!