Brenda 00:00:01 Hey, Jenny. Hi. I'm so excited for this. I could have hit record ten minutes ago. I'm so glad you're here.
Jenny 00:00:13 Oh. Me too. I just I love you, I love being with you. I love.
Brenda 00:00:17 You. It does feel so nice. I mean, we can just. We can just jam, and that's what we're gonna do. So I have a question. Just to kind of kick things off. Is there anything that you did or didn't do that's led to your yes, filled life?
Jenny 00:00:34 Oh, that's a great question. my yes filled life. It's funny. It's very pertinent question because I feel like our lives sometimes come in like waves and cycles, or I know we can touch on, like, hero's journey, where you're in the cave, out of the cave, and I almost. I'm in one of these spots again where I'm like looking at like, oh, hold on a second. Did I accidentally get trapped in a wave of energy that wasn't my own.
Jenny 00:01:13 Did I get really excited about something. Did I want to spend a lot of time with my family like all beautiful things. But I think what really led to at least the first version and the big like breakdown breakthrough of the yes filled life was looking at that question. because it happened at a time where I kind of committed to someone else's dream because I knew I could help and I knew I could do it. And like, I'm right there, I'm an executor. We got this. And then when it kind of broke down, I was like, wait a second, that I just spend all of those years working towards someone else's dream. so it's this little bit of like, and I went through and I'm kind of in now to like a little bit of like grief of that, like, oh, wow. Like, I'm so grateful for everything I've done. A little bit of grief that like, maybe it was a line to someone else is path and a really good chance for me to go, okay, well then what do I want? like, what do I want? And how do I get it? And how do I keep, like, saying yes to my dreams?
Brenda 00:02:21 Oh my gosh, I relate to this on so many levels.
Brenda 00:02:25 First of all, as a as an empath, it's so easy for for me, I'll speak for myself. It's so easy for me to think that these strong feelings, these strong dreams, these ideas are mine because they're so deeply embedded in my body.
Jenny 00:02:40 And there's a resonance with something in. Yes, right. You're like, oh, yes, I believe in this too.
Brenda 00:02:48 Yeah, exactly. So, so when you believe in it, it's not in contrast or conflict with your values. And then someone so excited about it. It's very confusing.
Jenny 00:03:00 Yeah.
Brenda 00:03:02 Yeah I agree.
Jenny 00:03:03 So I think if anything, to answer your question, maybe a little more succinctly, I think it's taking the time to pause and almost to do like an audit of where have I been spending my time, my energy, my money. Does it feel good? Does it align with what I want? And if not taking the time to go okay. Well then what. What do I want.
Brenda 00:03:26 Oh I love this.
Brenda 00:03:28 I've been doing something similar slowing down my travel pausing and really allowing slash sort of almost forcing but mostly allowing myself to sit in any discomfort. And sometimes if I'm, if I'm really fast, if I'm really in motion, I can pretend the discomfort is not there. But when I slow down, if there's any crunchiness, it becomes very evident.
Jenny 00:03:57 Oh my gosh, that is so true. And that's exactly what actually just happened to me physically. I just spent this week getting sick. It's because I allowed myself to slow down. I have just been like pushing through, pushing through, pushing through the vitamins. Shoot myself up with Biden. Let's go. And the same kind of thing. Like the moment I gave myself a rest, my body was like, oh, hey, girl, you need a lot more of this actually. Yeah. And so it like happens almost like at every energetic level of like when we're moving too quickly to sense what's going on, it gets louder and louder and louder versus when we can like sit and listen.
Jenny 00:04:35 Yeah. Then it almost feels like silly or like, oh, that's what I need.
Brenda 00:04:39 Right? But I don't know if I would love to know what your experience is in this, because for me, sometimes, sometimes I'll get sick, but more often it's emotional where I'll have this breakdown before I have the breakthrough. And the breakdown for me looks like sometimes I literally cannot stop crying. I just am crying and sad and I can articulate that I'm sad and I even have some awareness around why. And yet the breakthroughs not happening quite yet. It's on the other side. How does that manifest for you?
Jenny 00:05:16 one of my friends calls that divine discomfort area where you're like, ooh, because it's like like you're on the cusp of something and it's this beautiful, like, void place sometimes. Oh, I know it's so well because there's a part of me that's like, all right, let's just get through this, like, come on, get to the other side. And I think there's so much magic and beauty of, like, sitting in there, and really spending time with that discomfort and like, what is happening?
Brenda 00:05:46 Did you have to learn how to sit in that discomfort or did that come naturally?
Jenny 00:05:51 the first time I was forced into it, I would say.
Jenny 00:05:55 Or, you know, like I, I didn't know to listen for it. I didn't know the signs of it. So it's almost like it's almost like when you push your body past the point of exhaustion or something, and then, you know, not to do that again. And so you like, learn, right. And it's the same, I think happens with our emotional body where we don't know until we've almost like crossed the line, but then we can start to feel it. And it's like, oh, we can tell each time we're nearing the line. And that has helped me to be like, oh, I'm getting at least a little glimmer of this same feeling. It's time to slow down. It's time to go within. It's time to journal. Like whatever the process is calling for.
Brenda 00:06:34 Yeah. How do you recognize what it is that you really want to do or what's calling to you?
Jenny 00:06:43 That is a great question. I just I'll come back to the answer, but I did just create a little ChatGPT hack for myself with this question.
Jenny 00:06:53 Because I discovered as a generator in human design with the sacral center that I get like full body. Yes. No hits on like yes. No questions. So sometimes this like what do you want is so big I could go like 100 different directions. I actually freeze a little bit. I'm like, I don't know, I could, I could use this life or this life or this life. I could be happy in all of them. So I told ChatGPT this about myself and I asked it to ask me yes, no questions. And I asked the answers to those questions to like kind of drill down and do a direction. And a little hack of this too was because it was a machine and it wasn't like a person that I was tied to their emotions. I was like, really paying attention to my full body. Yes. Knows with no attachment to maybe what that other person thought I should be doing.
Brenda 00:07:54 This is brilliant.
Jenny 00:07:55 Oh, this is brilliant. And then I had it write a summary for me.
Jenny 00:07:59 And then I had it right. It like it already happened. So I have these, like, beautiful things of, like what I've done in 2025 or like the, the kind of partner that I met because I even to everyone asks me like, what do you want a future partner? I'm like, wow, this could be that could be this. And I like had it ask me these yes no questions until I got closer and closer and closer and closer to the answer. Oh my.
Brenda 00:08:21 Goodness. I'm going to try this. I'm literally going to try this because I'm a manifesting generator with an emotional authority. And so, one of the things that had led to a most recent breakdown that I'm almost to the breakthrough about was can I trust my emotional body? Can I trust what it is that I actually want? Because what I want, what what really feels good? I had this story that it was going backward or that it was weak, or that like somehow there was merit in there being a little bit of a struggle.
Brenda 00:08:58 And when I revealed that to myself by diving into my human design with our mutual friend Mars, I was taken aback by it. And that caused my my, my whole system just froze up with, oh my gosh, what if I just allowed myself to do the thing that feels really good? And then there was a unpack.
Jenny 00:09:23 Yeah. Right. Like what if that like those yes no's are like your compass.
Brenda 00:09:29 What if it just gets to be that easy.
Jenny 00:09:30 Yeah.
Brenda 00:09:32 Yeah. Oh my gosh.
Jenny 00:09:35 And that's a good muscle because sometimes it doesn't make logical sense.
Brenda 00:09:39 Most of the.
Jenny 00:09:39 Time. Yeah. Or someone's gonna ask you questions and you're like oh man am I like do I have to like defend against my decision like no.
Brenda 00:09:49 Well, and to your point with the like you mentioned 100 different lives. Like it could be 100 different lives. I am in a current situation with this full time travel that I have the buffet in front of me and I could choose literally any kind of life anywhere.
Brenda 00:10:06 And I think in contrast to what I originally thought, I thought that that would be expansive. And now I'm realizing that I actually want some more grounding.
Jenny 00:10:19 Yeah. Which is like a beautiful, perhaps unexpected learning of this journey.
Brenda 00:10:24 Totally. There's been a lot there's been a lot of.
Jenny 00:10:26 Unexpectedly learn through contrast. Actually, this is what prompted this ChatGPT thing because I realized when something would happen, I was very clear on my nose, like my body would be like a no. Yeah. And then it would align to that. No. And whatever I didn't want would actually fall away. And I was like this is powerful. And then I was like how could I do this with the. Yes. Yeah. Because a lot but a lot of those people, a lot of questions that were being asked with me were so open ended. Right? Wasn't like, hey, do you want this? And I could say, yes. It was like, what do you want from what you're saying, the buffet of life.
Jenny 00:11:05 And I was like oh I almost like need menu choices because then I can say yes or no, yes or no.
Brenda 00:11:10 That's right. Or even not any of those something different but.
Jenny 00:11:14 Just having no, no I.
Brenda 00:11:16 I think they call that the responding in human design. It's.
Jenny 00:11:19 Yeah. And I have a sacral response. Mine's an.
Brenda 00:11:22 Emotional response. So I need to respond emotionally. And if I'm in my head about it, I have a way of going around that emotional response and then I can get myself into into misalignment.
Jenny 00:11:37 Oh yeah, this is so fun to like, learn these things about ourselves.
Brenda 00:11:43 I know I it really is. So I'm curious, you have a new podcast that just launched called Mystic Bloom and it is so good. And I'm curious how that landed in your body. How did you how was that born?
Jenny 00:12:01 That was so mystic bloom itself has had its own like essence, its own life cycle. I've really been treating it differently than any other like project per se, that I've had, where I've kind of just been letting it lead and like not putting a lot of pressure on it, not trying to come up with what the offer is or how is it going to make money or how do I get people into it or to know about it.
Jenny 00:12:27 I've just been like, okay, let's it has a life of its own. And it came through so clearly one weekend of just like, how do you transmit these things that you want to transmit? And through voice felt like the answer. It was like three boys and I was like okay. And I started so simply because in the past I would have wanted to do it perfect or do it right, or like maybe I should do video and how do I put it on YouTube and do I have the right lighting and do I have the right equipment and all of these things? And yet somehow it was like, what if you just record it on your phone on order and use ChatGPT to do a summary of it and upload it? And that's what I did.
Brenda 00:13:14 Amazing.
Jenny 00:13:15 And I was like, amazing.
Brenda 00:13:17 So what I'm hearing you say is you got out of your own way, releasing the perfectionism and just allowing it to be whatever it is.
Jenny 00:13:26 It felt so strongly to me that what was coming through was more important than the like, perfection of it.
Jenny 00:13:35 It was like, no, it's just like the message. It's the transmission. It was like it could be a little wonky. It could be a little lisp because you've got your Invisalign and like all these things, right. And it was just like, know the right people who need to hear it. We'll hear it. Yeah. And that's it. And there's like an attachment.
Brenda 00:13:54 Oh and that's the magic right. The an attachment. That's so good. So if you haven't listened to Mystic Bloom go give it a listen. I, I don't want to describe it because it's so big. I'd like you to describe it if you don't mind because I, I don't want to put it into any cubby.
Jenny 00:14:14 Oh thank you. I yeah, it has a copy of its own that it's creating, but in a, in a big space, I want it to be a safe space for spiritual exploration. And I want it to be a place to ask questions and to discover. And I do a lot of things on feminine embodiment, on mysticism, on Christian mysticism, and allowing there for there be a place, I like to say, like there's more to the story And diving in because I have a very diverse background of like studying religion academically, growing up in the church, studying mysticism and awakening, and there's so many beautiful threads that run through all of them.
Jenny 00:14:58 and so I just wanted to create a place where you didn't have to choose one side or the other, but you could just explore and just listen and be like, wow, what if we're like, maybe learn a little something new and see if it resonates and and if it does, amazing. And if it doesn't, that's okay too. But I just wanted more of the story to be available.
Brenda 00:15:22 It's so rich. And so when we talk about the feminine embodiment and the mysticism and the Christian mysticism. Oh my gosh, there's so much beauty and goodness and I can see the threads that, that connect each of those. But for a listener who's like I don't I don't understand the connection. Could we start maybe with Christian mysticism and then we can weave in the mysticism and then maybe finish with embodiment? Would that be okay?
Jenny 00:15:54 Yeah. Okay. That's great. And, I wanted to do just say, like the umbrella, the overarching part that I think that's happening even on the planet right now is a rebalance of the feminine.
Jenny 00:16:07 Yes. Which is playing into when I talk about criticism, Christian mysticism is playing into religion. Yes. Like even before, a few decades ago, like nondenominational or megachurches. They weren't a thing. Right? Like, like church was a very structured kind of if you're talking masculine feminine energies, it was a very masculine energy structure ritual. Here we go. You know, and only lately has it been like, oh, it also could be a place where, like the spirit moves you. Or you just come to worship without a lot of creeds or dogmas or, or lineage. And that's part of like this feminine rebalancing that's happening on the planet where we're shifting a little bit from structure to flow.
Brenda 00:16:59 That's right.
Jenny 00:17:00 And just kind of create not in a way where we're all flow, but it's coming back into balance so that we can have the healthy doses of both. Because before we were a little over structured.
Brenda 00:17:10 Yes. And I think we're still like my interpretation is we're still in that very masculine structure in our society and our culture.
Brenda 00:17:19 And so there's still some room for us to flow within that structure to perhaps soften the edges.
Jenny 00:17:27 Definitely. And so what I love about mysticism and I like truly love it is that it's not saying that one is right or one is wrong. It's allowing you to expand beyond the structures. Yeah. And the structures still get to be there, but you get to kind of put the hat on of like, oh, okay. These are structures that were created by human beings at a very certain part of history and part of time through a lens that they had. They were trying to create order. They were trying to create like one religion, because right after Jesus, it got a little funky. And everyone's believing all these different things. And so they were like, hold on, this is what we believe. Let's make it easy for everybody. Right? And you're like, historically that's what happened. That's what happened. Yeah. And it's not making it right or wrong. It's like, I'm glad I didn't have to make those decisions.
Brenda 00:18:18 Oh me too.
Jenny 00:18:19 Me too. And that's what they thought they had to do to create safety at that time was to create structure and to create order. And it worked well for the time that they were in. That's right. We get to take that. And if we choose, we can stay in the structures because for some, the structures feel really safe and that's really helpful for them. They love the structure. Great. For others, we've gotten glimpses of things outside the structures and oh, hold on. I also feel God when I look at the sunset.
Brenda 00:18:53 Right? Or when I'm walking out in nature.
Jenny 00:18:56 Right? Or look at this flower. How the heck does it know? How does it do that? That's right. Right. Like nature is incredible.
Brenda 00:19:05 Or how did that cardinal appear just when I asked for a sign.
Jenny 00:19:09 Right. Yeah. And then we get to go. Hold on a second. Like there's so many energies and things that we've through. And the beauty that you think about Christian mysticism in particular basically because that's my lineage and I'm sure there's other lineages here too, is that these energies are there within the structures.
Jenny 00:19:32 You just have to, like, know where to look for them or look beyond the structures, or actually go back to like, wait, what did Yeshua or Jesus, what was he studying? What was he preaching? because he was a radical for his time period going against the structures.
Brenda 00:19:49 That's right, that's right.
Jenny 00:19:51 And, you know, so it was like, hold on a second. Like when you put it in that context, you've got this awakened being walking around with this rule that you can't heal on Sundays. And I'm going, that makes no sense. I this man needs healing. I'm going to go for my heart space. Right. Yeah. Right. So you're like whole there's some edge here. Okay. Cool. And then you get to go and just dive into some of these stories. And I just love looking at the traditions and, and even just seeing them differently as human beings. Even Mother Mary. Like what faith and devotion to not just like bring a child into the world, but to stand by him as he's going through this radical awakening counterculture to the government.
Jenny 00:20:42 Watching him getting in more and more trouble, being there when he's killed, like, wow. And we put it in today's terms of like, I'm not particularly a mother, but your mother and seeing other mothers you like, wow. You get like a real felt sense of that love and that devotion. Yeah. And that's what I love about mysticism is it kind of cuts through the structures and goes right to the heart, to the energies that you can feel, and those energies that they were feeling then are still alive and available to us today to tap into.
Brenda 00:21:14 That's right. So if somebody's listening or somebody knows somebody, somebody listening knows somebody who fears leaving the structure because there's safety in the dogma, and even just expanding through the structures feels really, really scary. Or perhaps against their traditions. What could you say to help them feel safer?
Jenny 00:21:42 That's a beautiful question. what I would say is that these energies have been around for like since the beginning. And there is safety in like the words that we put on it.
Jenny 00:21:57 But whether they kind of know it or not, like in the church there is ritual. That's right. That's right. There is belief in these energies, prayer you know, and it's so it's kind of just a reminder. I was thinking about this today because there's a full moon. And I was like, oh, there's rituals for the full moon. And I was like, this is so funny because, like, people in the church have rituals to write, oh, I better it's Easter. Gotta go. You know, whether I believe or not, it's a ritual, you know, whatever. Or like Eucharist and communion. Like there's things that are happening. So I would say maybe to not be scared of venturing outside of what they know and going beyond the known can be scary. In any aspect of our life when I was.
Brenda 00:22:46 Little, like really little, probably under ten, I discovered this two books, two books in my parents, my grandparents basement, and they were old books even then.
Brenda 00:22:59 And my grandparents were born in the 19 teens, and they had been around for decades, and both were on real world religion and trying to understand, like the history of, of all the different, deities. And it was very interesting because my, my grandparents were devout Presbyterians. And so I was shocked when I found these in their basement. And so I would sneak down to the basement and I would try to read a little bit. And finally, my grandma found me one day and she was like, just bring it up. Let's let's read it. And so the thing that I learned as a very young child is that there are three lines between all the major religions where there are similar rituals, where there are similar, not same, but similar stories, similar heroes. we I don't know if the hero is the appropriate to say, but you know, the people that have led other people to feeling better or to being healed. And so I just want to offer that to that through all major religions.
Brenda 00:24:07 There's a through line.
Jenny 00:24:09 Yeah. And I think that's beautiful. And that's what I love about any kind of mysticism or even an energetic work, is because it allows us to drop underneath some of the rigid differences per se, to find the similarities.
Brenda 00:24:27 That's right, I love that. So how would you Distinguish Christian mysticism from mysticism.
Jenny 00:24:35 I think mysticism in itself is kind of like the belief and more of like the energetic and the transmission. Christian mysticism is that within the Christian tradition, like, I know some really beautiful souls that practice a Jewish mysticism or Islamic mysticism, and those were their kind of lineages that they were raised in. so it's the same, I think, concept, just different controls. Yeah. That's right.
Brenda 00:25:03 I love that that just makes it so simple for people to have a shared language when they're talking. So by that definition, I guess I would qualify as a mystic.
Jenny 00:25:13 Yeah.
Brenda 00:25:14 Which is kind of like.
Jenny 00:25:15 Oh, cool.
Brenda 00:25:15 I, I like that.
Jenny 00:25:17 I can get behind that.
Jenny 00:25:19 Right. I love to find the definition. I found one definition that I really love about of a mystic, but it's. Yeah, it's those who, like, learn through experience. And connect with like a felt sense. Which can and I think a lot more people are mystics than they realize.
Brenda 00:25:38 Oh me too. I mean that's really my purpose is to help people unlock that part of themselves. Which is why I love working with empaths, because there's something so special about the people who feel so deeply. They can feel other people's feelings.
Jenny 00:25:53 Yeah, it's really beautiful. Yeah.
Brenda 00:25:56 So how does this connect to the feminine embodiment.
Jenny 00:26:02 Great question. So feminine embodiment. The way I connect it is when we went through organized religion went through a time of order and patriarchy. Right. It just historically what has happened and part of the structure and part of the safety, was cutting women off from their sensual and sexual pleasure. Was Degrading, making less than right. And it was part of the culture in the time period that they were living in.
Jenny 00:26:37 That's right. When we're in power, they just were like, right.
Brenda 00:26:41 There's no disputing that. That's a fact. Yeah.
Jenny 00:26:44 You know, and it's one of these things because I don't want to like, man. Shane. but it's the culture that was running at the time. It's the way things were ordered. It's the systems and the structures that we were living in at that time.
Brenda 00:26:57 Like patriarchy is a structure. It's a system. It's not men.
Jenny 00:27:01 Correct? It's not men. There are beautiful men. And in fact, men are having an awakening of the feminine within themselves, too, because for very long they weren't permission to feel these things. That's right, that's right. And, you know, like so it's the energies within both men and women that are now becoming more available. There's more flow becoming more permissioned, less shame is happening. A lot of shame happened for a lot of years in both men and women. In feelings, in vulnerability, in emotionality, we would be called hysteric.
Jenny 00:27:37 Right. That's right. All of these things. And so the way that I see it happening with the feminine embodiment and mysticism is part of that coming back to the fullness of humanity.
Brenda 00:27:53 Oh I'm just letting that land. That feels really good. Coming back to the fullness of humanity, which.
Jenny 00:28:00 Is meant to be pleasurable. And it doesn't even have to be a sensual sexuality in the bedroom pleasure but the like, oh my gosh, look at this flower. Look at this life that we're living, right? Allowing our emotions. Allowing ourselves to cry over a sunset.
Brenda 00:28:20 Allowing ourselves to do the things just because they make us feel good. Well that's that's almost moved. That's right. Yeah. Permissioning.
Jenny 00:28:32 And it's a lot of that. Permissioning. And so when I think of feminine embodiment I, I feel like I was almost cut off like waist down for a long time. Oh me too. Growing up in the church and just being like good, bad. Stay in the heart. Don't go down there, you know? I'm laughing because.
Brenda 00:28:51 I'm like, yeah, me too.
Jenny 00:28:52 Right. And now that I'm waking up to pleasure, I'm like, oh. Or even just like the way, like African drum music. I feel it differently because I can feel it with my whole body.
Brenda 00:29:07 That's right, that's right.
Jenny 00:29:09 And we, you know, when you look at.
Brenda 00:29:11 Most of the population in the United States and I'm going to have that qualifier there, there's very little movement below the ribs when I dance. And so that it's part of this cutting off of all of the sensuality, sexuality, creativity, the birthplace of ideas. And I used to be a music teacher. Oh, and I had this lesson where I was teaching a song from the Georgia Sea Islands, and in researching the song, I learned that moving the hips was so sacred in that part of the world that they found ways on the Georgia Sea Islands as black Americans to move their hips, as they made comments about how inappropriate was to move their hips. And that's how they were able to make it happen.
Brenda 00:30:11 And I'm talking about like in the 1800s, which is so brilliant.
Jenny 00:30:16 Yeah, that they were like, don't do this, do this, don't do this.
Brenda 00:30:20 Move. Let me show you which.
Jenny 00:30:22 Move Ha ha ha ha. And I.
Brenda 00:30:25 Think you know how divorced we are from our hips, from any pleasure in even that part of the body, even if it's just movement.
Jenny 00:30:34 From that part of the body in general. I mean, look at the way that they've had women in the West give birth. That's right. It's not natural to the way our bodies are meant to move. No it's not. It's not become disconnected with our bodies.
Brenda 00:30:50 And we've let other people who aren't in women's bodies tell us how we should be in women's bodies. And that's part of the system as well.
Jenny 00:31:01 So to me it's all a reclamation. Yeah. It's like a reclamation. It's a remembering. It's like oh actually I'm a woman in this body. And my body does this. Isn't that cool. You know.
Jenny 00:31:13 And it's not, it's not I don't feel any shame where there was so much shame for so long and to the point where it that's where like a lot of the distortions come, right. Or like the rebellion or this or that, it's because like it's like, can we move our arms? Can we float like we're in the ocean? Can we dance with the trees? Can we dance in general?
Brenda 00:31:39 That's right, that's right. So when you became aware of feminine embodiment, and maybe you hadn't heard the word or the words at that time, maybe it was just a beingness. I'm curious if there was. And I know this is a huge question, so feel free to direct it in any way that feels good. But was there a way that you were able to release shame and allow yourself the embodiment? Or was there some kind of light bulb that went off? What was that experience like?
Jenny 00:32:11 I probably had a different experience than most because I had it was actually like an in an energetic healing session where it was a very safe space and it was permissioned and it was welcomed, and I could feel like that's part of my body and my root, kind of like open.
Jenny 00:32:29 And when it did, it was actually I have a very big throughline of devotion, and it was in devotion, and it felt a connection to the Earth that I've never felt before. It felt connection to the sun that I've never felt before. And and so it almost there was a little bit of grieving that I have silenced it for so long that I just didn't know that it was available. And this like, celebration of like, wow, wow. You know, like, this is like my birth, right? To be able to experience this connection to nature, this connection to my body, this rhythm and this energy that can move all the way through me.
Brenda 00:33:16 I love that, I love that so many women live in a state where pleasure is okay under certain circumstances, with certain people in certain places, and it's if we live like that, it's almost like we have this little padlock on our pleasure, and it's so much more expansive when we can allow the pleasure to come from any source.
Jenny 00:33:41 From any source, and be hours and hours alone. Yeah, yeah.
Brenda 00:33:48 I.
Jenny 00:33:48 Remember that. Anyone else?
Brenda 00:33:50 That's right. I remember a really powerful statement that you had us do at one of the retreats that you. I've been at several retreats with you, and and I remember you encouraging us to claim our pleasure. That it's really not for anyone else. And in this context, just for the listener that's getting curious. We were, in a big room with couches and beautiful rugs, and there was a fire in the fireplace, and we were standing in a circle, and we were just talking about what it's like to be a woman, a fully embodied woman. And it was that simple and yet that powerful.
Jenny 00:34:42 And it's beautiful. We just don't give ourself the spaces a lot. Right? Which is one of the reasons I love the feminine embodiment space or even just being in a group of women together, because I've heard so many people say, like, I've never thought about that. And these are women of all ages who've been on this planet for decades.
Jenny 00:35:00 And it was like, oh, wow. It was always like an act with someone else or for someone else. And again going back to like oh my gosh just feeling the beauty of a flower. And going Knowing. Wow. I feel that through my whole body. Like this is incredible.
Brenda 00:35:22 Feeling and allowing it to move through your whole body too or. Yeah. I think that there again we have to there's an allowing piece.
Jenny 00:35:32 Yeah.
Brenda 00:35:34 Yeah. So for the listener that's like okay this sounds pretty good and I'm curious. But this is really far out of anything I've ever done or tried. What would a first step or two be toward claiming their feminine embodiment.
Jenny 00:35:49 Put on a sexy song by yourself is my first. You know what I'm talking about, I do, yeah. You get in the mood and you're just in your own room. You're in your own space. Maybe you're in the backyard. Give yourself the permission. And it might seem scary, but what is it going to be? 3 or 5 minutes and no one's watching.
Jenny 00:36:09 That's right. Right through your privates. And really, just like, allow yourself to feel like how juicy can you make it like? Can you just be in your own pleasure and no one else's? You don't have to care what it looks like or what it feels like. Just how do you want to move?
Brenda 00:36:28 What would feel so good?
Jenny 00:36:30 What would feel so good? Yeah. Oh, I love that.
Brenda 00:36:34 so I have like this whole playlist. It's called my High Vibes playlist. And I wouldn't say that there's many sexy songs on there, because mostly it's about like, let's get out of the funk and let's feel better. But there's a few of them I just love. And I'm curious, do you have a few favorite songs that you can recommend for people?
Jenny 00:36:55 oh gosh, I'll have to. I'll get back to you on on playlists. Okay. Definitely sounds. And if you look on like Spotify, you can search Feminine embodiment or you can you can search like feminine feel good. Yummy.
Jenny 00:37:08 You know what I mean? Like you can because I love the ones that are also sung by women. Me too. Like the I am woman. Yes. Song. I love that one. There's some from Beyonce that just feel like like you're reclaiming your power, but in it you can move your hips and you're like, yeah, all my power right.
Brenda 00:37:26 That's right. Yeah I love it I love it. And I'll link my playlist there too in the show notes so we can.
Jenny 00:37:33 And I have one on Spotify under my name. That has been an embodiment I think.
Brenda 00:37:37 I have your playlist.
Jenny 00:37:39 Yeah. Yeah. So and I keep adding things to it because I keep finding songs and I'm like, oh, that's a good one.
Brenda 00:37:47 That's like, oh, I love it. I'm gonna have to tap back into that. Yeah. So when we think about feminine embodiment or the divine feminine, sometimes people I have heard in spaces say, well, what about what about masculine embodiment? Is that a thing? Right.
Brenda 00:38:08 And it is a thing.
Jenny 00:38:09 It is a thing. I think it's very much a thing. It's the thing I personally, I'm I'm in a woman's body this lifetime. So this is kind of what I'm working with. But I know there definitely is masculine embodiment and there and it's different to there's in male bodies. Right. And then there's masculine embodiment within the female body. That's right.
Brenda 00:38:34 Yeah.
Jenny 00:38:35 And a lot of us, it's almost like a fish in water though because that's what we've been raised in. Yes a lot of the structures. Right. A lot of the like rigid. Yes. No. Do this like we women right now are so independent. We are so efficient. Like we can run circles around people. You know what I mean. Like we've gotten really good.
Brenda 00:39:00 Oh we've mastered the, the masculine energy of get it done. Yeah. Let's hustle. Let's make it faster, more efficient.
Jenny 00:39:10 Yeah. And providing that safety and clarity and structure for others.
Brenda 00:39:15 That's right, that's right.
Brenda 00:39:16 So I remember I was absolutely in my distorted masculine for years. I was all about the work. And even when I was in partnership with men, it was very difficult for me to allow myself to receive whether that was kindness or support or help or pleasure, because I sort of felt like I was the one that needed to do it. I needed to get it done. There was like a, some kind of a hustle box. I was checking like, I it needs to be done by me. And because that's the way it's going to be done best. And as I untangled from that, there was a moment where it felt like I was letting go of the monkey bars because there was this moment feeling like, what if no one catches me? What if it really was true that I was the only one who could do this? And it was really scary. And I'm wondering. have you heard of that in other people too? Is that a common experience?
Jenny 00:40:17 It is a common experience and I'm going to relate it back to the religion conversation we were happening, because this happens a lot in what I like to call the God wound, too.
Jenny 00:40:27 It's like when we have some kind of wound with what we believe to be the ideal father, or the masculine that always has us. And sometimes there's a rupture and they don't. And honestly, most of the time it's a human being who just hasn't. You know, no fault of theirs. They haven't mastered this human life. Like like the rest of us. Yeah. Who has? But there maybe wasn't a repair or there maybe wasn't an understanding conceptually of what was happening going on. Or maybe it was in childhood. Like for me, it was as simple as I love my parents dearly and I'm the oldest of there's three of us. And my mom was really sick when my she had my youngest sister. And so I grew up a little too fast. I, I took on no one told me, right. I took on more responsibility. And I started getting praised for that responsibility and for the doing instead of the being and for being a helper instead of a little girl.
Brenda 00:41:25 That's right.
Jenny 00:41:27 And off we went. And I didn't unravel it for 35 years. Oh, same.
Brenda 00:41:32 Same literally. It was I was 35 when I got divorced, and that was many years ago. but there was something that happened at that 35 where I was like, I literally can't do this anymore. Yeah.
Jenny 00:41:46 And these are patterns that are running that we just don't we aren't aware of.
Brenda 00:41:51 Right. You're not aware of them until you finally one day you're like, wait, I'm I'm doing this in every area of my life. Who's the common denominator?
Jenny 00:42:00 Right.
Brenda 00:42:01 Oh, wait, it's me.
Jenny 00:42:02 It's me. Like, I love being that little girl, doing all the things when I was seven. And yet here I am, still being hypermasculine controlling situations. I got it super independent. And at the same time wanting a divine masculine partner to come in.
Brenda 00:42:25 Yeah.
Jenny 00:42:25 My hands are rooting for that when I'm playing. Both.
Brenda 00:42:28 That's right. How can you find a partner when you're doing both roles.
Brenda 00:42:32 Right. Yeah. Yeah I'm talking to myself right now. Yeah. My go to if I get triggered or scared or tired, my go to is to flip back into that that doing.
Jenny 00:42:48 Right. And it's a balance. Right. Because we can go hyper masculine and be the doing. And sometimes the other end of the spectrum and these when we talk about embodied masculine, maybe those who want to work on a body masculine are the hyper feminine. Might have a little collapse. Right. And we can oscillate between the two. Very I can very easily seem like I got everything together. I'm a collapsed mess. I have all the needs and it's like, how do we find the balance and the harmony to know, like, oh, we both have both and we have this beautiful toolkit of life around us that we get to like, flow through and play with.
Brenda 00:43:26 Yeah, I love that. So if somebody's like, okay, I want to play around with these energies, are there some things they could do to practice that are kind of low stakes?
Jenny 00:43:39 Yeah, I would say for anyone who wants to work just on like for those of us, me included, that are the hyper masculine I think that we're working on receiving, is really big.
Speaker 3 00:43:50 and.
Jenny 00:43:51 Just being paying attention. Like, if someone offers to pay for your coffee, do you say no? If someone offers to go get the mail, do you say, I got it? You know, like these little things that are just like and like, how do we. Because it's those little micro moments.
Brenda 00:44:08 That's right.
Jenny 00:44:09 That we start to break the habits and we start to become more aware because often the words are little, but the energy is big.
Brenda 00:44:19 I love that the words are little but the energy is big.
Jenny 00:44:23 Right? If someone offers to do something for you or you offer to do something for someone and they go, no, I got it like little and a little like, oh, okay. There's a, there's an energetic exchange that just happened and you back away. Or maybe you're not going to offer the same thing next time or there's an imprint.
Speaker 3 00:44:42 And so.
Jenny 00:44:43 We have to like watch how we move through the world in that.
Brenda 00:44:46 Way I love that. So work on your ability to receive.
Brenda 00:44:51 And I think that you know compliments fall into that. What would it be like if you just said thank you for a compliment. Instead of saying anything else just try. Thank you. Yeah I remember having to work through that at a different point in life where I would overexplain something or I would downplay.
Jenny 00:45:12 Or justify it, you know, or, oh yeah, you like, explain it away, right?
Brenda 00:45:16 Or it's just whatever. It's so good. Oh my gosh. So what's next for you? What's on the horizon?
Jenny 00:45:26 That's a great question. I think I'm continuing to be in this exploration of what does Mystic Bloom want to become. in really kind of providing a safe space for spiritual exploration and then the questions and the dancing and and the embodiment piece of creating containers and spaces where you can just be with yourself. Pleasure or not, just have no one else's needs grabbing onto you to like, remember who you are.
Speaker 3 00:46:03 Is.
Jenny 00:46:04 Something that I love.
Brenda 00:46:06 And you're so gifted at teaching it.
Speaker 3 00:46:10 Thank you.
Brenda 00:46:10 You're welcome. Yeah. Where can people find you?
Jenny 00:46:16 I, I'm on Instagram. I have the Mystic Bloom website, my personal ones kind of like under. It's a work in progress, as am I. That's another thing. It's not like a very kind of masculine thing to be like, pick a niche. Stick to it. Do this thing in business. And I'm like, But I'm a butterfly. Like, I'm constantly evolving, so I'm just letting myself fly for a little bit and we see what happens.
Brenda 00:46:43 Oh, I love that so much. Mystic bloom, mystic mystic.
Speaker 3 00:46:49 Bloom bloom.
Brenda 00:46:50 Yeah. Oh, that's so good. Jenny, thank you so much for being here today.
Jenny 00:46:54 Thank you. Thanks for instigating these conversations and serving people in the way that you do. It's so powerful.
Speaker 3 00:47:02 Thank you.