139. Navigating your next chapter

Season #5

Are you ready to transform the way you see yourself so you can step into the fulfillment you deserve? Join me in a free 3 day challenge. brendawinkle.com/yestome

In this podcast episode of "Your Yes Filled Life," host Brenda Winkle leads a webinar on personal growth and empowerment. Participants share their transformative experiences, highlighting the benefits of prioritizing self-care and setting healthy boundaries. Brenda discusses the power of breathwork and the importance of energetic hygiene while guiding listeners on how to navigate change and reclaim personal power. The episode also talks about developing intuition and reading energy, offering tools for listeners to embark on their next life chapter.

Tune in to hear about...

  • Navigating and creating change
  • Understanding energetic hygiene
  • Establishing healthy boundaries
  • Healing the nervous system
  • Importance of breathwork
  • Finding peace in chaos
  • Reclaiming personal power
  • Tending to one's energy
  • Incorporating breathwork into daily life
  • Reclaiming personal power and taking responsibility for one's energy
  • 7 Step Framework for Navigating Change

Register for the Yes to Me Challenge


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Contact Brenda

Website: https://www.brendawinkle.com/  

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brendawinkle/  

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brenda.winkle111  

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brendawinkle111  

LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/brendawinkle/  


Keywords: Brenda Winkle, podcast, Your Yes Filled Life, webinar, navigating change, energetic hygiene, healthy boundaries, healing nervous system, breathwork, peace in chaos, reclaiming personal power, energy, vagus nerve, breathwork apps, self-love, friendship with oneself, personal power, feedback, participant experience, well-being, fulfilling life, habits, embodiment, priorities, connection, communication, intuition, second chapter, intuition development, somatic coaching, personal development, self-care, empowerment, testimonial, enrollment, one-on-one sessions, prioritizing well-being, personal growth journey, reflection.