87. Loving the Life You Have with Diana Lockett

Season #4

Diana Lockett is a visionary Conscious Communication Leadership Consultant and spiritual mentor who creates safe spaces that invite leaders, teams, and educators to Re-Align to ThriveTM to transform their corporate teams and classrooms by accessing inspired wisdom and inspired action. The result is an environment where participants feel relaxed and safe to communicate confidently and clearly and build compassionate relationships rooted in collaboration, innovation, education, integration, and cooperation. Diana offers 1-1 wellness leadership mentoring and coaching and uses her skillful study of group dynamics to amplify team members in groups to optimize their wellbeing, their relationships, and their performance. Her work bridges the gap between science and spirituality with radical space-holding and compassion. This year,  she is on a mission to empower over 2 million students with conscious communication leadership in schools (through their staff, administrators, and office staff and directly with the older students) and find their path to self-acceptance and amplified learning. 


Diana is a 6 x International Bestselling Author and International Speaker who uses her superpower of vulnerable storytelling to allow her audience to soften into their own loving presence. Her recently released book, The Call To Freedom: Heal your Pain, Awaken your Loving Presence, is an Internationally Acclaimed memoir filled with personal, spiritual, and embodiment coaching for anyone that is ready to answer “The Call”.


Here are the takeaways...

  1. Play is vitally important and when you incorporate it into your life everything feels easier.
  2. We are all the Golden Buddha. We all have essential golden essence but we sometimes forget because of our human experiences and programming from our experiences and the people around us. 
  3. We are told pain is something that we should avoid. It can be a coping mechanism to avoid feeling pain. But when we face our pain, we become a part of the healing of the entire planet. Healing heals forward. When we individually heal we help heal the divisiveness of the planet. We become whole when we can integrate all the parts of ourselves into the whole being through somatic healing. 
  4.  When you are chasing tomorrows as in "I'll be happy when...." you will always receive the thing you want  - tomorrow. The work is to be happy now.
  5.  When you are unwilling to feel your pain, you become unable to feel the blissful emotions. Science tells us that even the toughest emotions last about 90 seconds. When we can label the sensation, the sensation can shift. Acknowledging sensations and emotionality is a way to shift your perceptions. Slowing down is an essential component of this practice.
  6.  When you avoid pain, you are inadvertently avoiding pleasure. Pleasure is right on the other side of your pain. 
  7. The best way to find a life you really love is to love the life you have right now. Stop chasing your dreams because that means they are running away from you. Instead, consider living your dreams right now.
  8.  You are enough.

 Connect with Diana...

All of Diana's social media links can be found HERE on her LinkTree

Website: www.dianalockett.com 

Diana offers a 4-week course for self-publishing authors who want to be bestsellers www.dianalockett.com/relate 

Order Diana's book at dianalockett.com/book


Work with Brenda...


1:1 Healing Sessions - Heal to the Yes - https://www.brendawinkle.com/healing 

Yes Academy - https://www.brendawinkle.com/yes-academy-course 

Heal Yes Retreat - https://www.brendawinkle.com/retreat 


Chat with Brenda 



Free Masterclass: 

UnlockYour Intuitive Gifts and Tap Into Your Inner Wisdom

July 26, 2023 - Register at https://www.brendawinkle.com/unlock  


Yes Academy - 


Heal to the Yes - 


Heal Yes Retreat - 


Feel Better Fast Guide



Meditation to feel better



Connect with Brenda

Website: https://www.brendawinkle.com/ 


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brendawinkle/ 


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brenda.winkle111 


TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brendawinkle111 


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brenda-winkle-empowerment/ 


Email: [email protected]