52. Behind the scenes in the intention setting and meditation series

Season #2

This episode goes behind the scenes into the Best Year of Your Life Meditation and Intention-Setting Series

Come with us behind the scenes and hear a portion of our first gathering. 

Here are the takeaways...


  1. Patriarchy is a system that is toxic to most of us... women, nonbinary and transgender people - and it's also toxic to men. Many women have internalized patriarchy - sexist beliefs and behaviors directed at ourselves as girls, women and non-binary people. 
  2. Consider using the word "desire" to create a deeper connection to the things you really want.
  3. Setting an intention is setting a desired result. It gives us a map, informs our actions but does not define the outcome.
  4. Controlling behavior - in any context - is repelling. Loving allowance allows us to co-create without controlling outcomes. Another way to think about this is as receiving. Being open to receive without trying to dictate the outcome is an example of loving allowance
  5. Your chakra system contains the invisible energetic centers that run along your spinal column or central channel. 
  6.  Brain-heart coherence creates a magnetic field that connects us to each other. 
  7. Being out of alignment feels like overthinking and anxiety. Once you recognize you are out of alignment you can make a choice to get into alignment. Dance it out, meditate, listen to great music or download a free guide to feel better fast at https://www.brendawinkle.com/feelbetterfast