32. How to get out of your own way with Megan Moran

Season #2

Megan Moran, owner of The Mompreneur Guide

is a close friend of mine. Recently, she got a cold and I offered her a ThetaHealing® Meditation Technique  Session. We've traded our coaching and session privately several times and she's a fan of ThetaHealing. She had the idea to record the session. I'm so glad we did!! Now we are sharing it with you!

Even though this was a ThetaHealing session, Megan was helping me. She helps people get more visible, and focus on what matters most in their businesses. You'll hear an aha moment from me that Megan inspired.

Megan is on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/mompreneurguide/

Megan's Website: https://themompreneurguide.com/

Join Megan's Mastermind "The Connect Collective"


Note: this is an affiliate link. I may receive financial compensation if you purchase through this link.


Here are the takeaways

  • The core belief of "I'm not worthy" or "I'm not enough" shows up in several ways. It can look like hustling for worth, always feeling like you need to do more and be more, feeling like you've never worked hard enough or done enough
  • Your body always knows the truth. Trust your body's knowledge. You can use muscle testing to help. 
  •  Symptoms in your body are your body's way of telling you something. Asking your symptoms what they have to tell you can give you information.
  •  Putting the brakes on your success, stopping and starting, or those "turtle shell moments" where you get ready to step into something big and then pull back can mean you have an unconscious belief or fear on some level (physical, spiritual, genetic, or history) and that can be shifted by identifying the fear behind it.
  •  A fear that you can't deliver (meet the promise you made) keeps people stuck. This comes up for people in coaching, healing, teaching, health care and so many more fields. This can be shifted by trusting in yourself and believing that you attract people who will give you grace.
  •  The fear of the people in our lives can impact our decisions. Learning to protect your energy from that fear can have a major effect on how you move through your life.
  •  Leaking energy from an unbalanced part of our body can cause swelling and inflammation. 
  • According to Louise Hay, founder of Hay House, our bodies talk to us and can be healed by paying attention to the feeling-state and affirmation she recommends. It's a little book available everywhere books are sold. "Heal your body, heal your life" by Louise Hay.
  •  Pulling out energy strands in an area of your body that is experiencing pain can relieve it.

The ThetaHealing® Meditation Technique 

Was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995. ThetaHealing is a registered trademark of the THiNK Institute. For more information go to www.thetahealing.com.


Find out more about Brenda's ThetaHealing Technique Sessions


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