27. How to expand your energy - Yes to Me Day 1
How to Expand Your Energy
Energy is everything. The world responds to YOUR energy and in this episode of the Waves of Joy Podcast, I offer an energy experiment inspired by Pam Grout in her book E2.
This episode includes some our the live Yes To Me Challenge Day 1 from August 23, 2022.
Here are the takeaways
- Stress is addictive. Pattern changing might feel life-threatening because of that addiction. It's just a patterned rut in your thinking and can be changed.
- Your ego might have to die a little but you won't die from allowing more ease into your life
- When you are thinking or talking about positive things, your energy LITERALLY expands
- Negative thinking or talking contracts your energy - you literally become smaller
- Saying yes to you starts in small steps that when combined, make a big impact
- Scaffold ways to feel better fast so you don't have to make decisions when you need to shift energy
- Use the bathroom when you have to go. No excuses.
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