25. How to recover after significant loss with Christina Flach

Season #1

Celebrity Makeup and Hair Artist, Christina Flach, is the creator and CEO of Pretty Girl Makeup. Her work is inspired by her love of beauty, fashion, music, and art, and she channels these passions into her goal of making her clients look and feel beautiful.

Christina has worked with celebrity clients like Condoleeza Rice, Hilary Swank, Vogue, Gucci, Melissa McCarthy, Tyler Florence and so many more.

Christina is a mom of 5 children and was the wife of American tennis doubles world #1 champion and Olympian Ken Flach. Ken died suddenly and tragically from sepsis. After his death, Christina stepped into the role of a sepsis advocate, helping to promote awareness of what sepsis is, and how to respond to it.



1. Pay attention to symptoms and follow the acronym provided by sepsis.org TIME - T = temperature (extremely hot or cold body temperature), I = Infection anywhere in the body, M - Mental decline (brain fog or confusion, E = excruciating pain)

2. Trust yourself. Trust your inner knowing. Go to a doctor if you think something is wrong, and get on antibiotics is there are any indications of sepsis.

3. You are your highest authority. Trust your body.

4. You can look at things any way you choose. 

5. Don't feel guilty moving on. Gratitude feels so much better than grief.

6. Affirmations really work. Speak your world into existence.

Pretty Girl Makeup

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Christina Flach


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/christinaflachmakeup/

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