9. Letter from Child Me

Season #1

I just got home from a retreat with Cathy Heller in Boca Roton, Florida. It was transformative. Healing.

I am more willing than ever to step into the work I’m called to do.

I want to share a letter I wrote while I was there. It’s a letter from 7-year-old Brenda to fully-resourced, adult Brenda. 7-year-old Brenda lived in Chadron, Nebraska.


When I was a first-grader, I went on a field trip with the first-grade class to Chadron State Park and fell into Bordeaux Creek. The other important background information to have before you see the letter is that I was sexually abused as a child. But no one believed me. I’m fully healed. There are no graphic descriptions or potential triggers in the letter. It is safe for you to listen. 




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