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Energetic Mastery Retreat


Ready to feel more vibrant, focused, and connected every single day?


That's the power of adding energy work to your life. 


  • Imagine being able to set space, clear space, clear energy from yourself (or your clients/patients/students) with just a few simple things you can add to your daily routine.


  • Imagine being able to show up more fully in every relationship of your life, because you know how to stop taking on energy from other people so you are living with increased energy, capacity and vitality. 


  • Imagine yourself unhooking from the limiting beliefs and connecting to your infinite potential and fully embodying your most potent empowerment. Playing small is a thing of the past. You feel confident, secure and powerful.


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This exclusive retreat is designed specifically for sensitive and successful women over 40 who are ready to step into their power, refine their energy, and achieve unparalleled levels of fulfillment and success.


All this (and more) is possible for you at this exclusive intimate Energetic Mastery Retreat. 


Join me for 5 powerful days at the Energetic Mastery Retreat in a beautiful luxury AirBnB in the Portland, Oregon area.


Step into the most confident and empowered version of yourself


I really loved learning something new to me; being with you, Jill, and Tiara in person; being able to enjoy being my true self; getting to set down responsibilities with other roles I have and enjoy doing things just for me! 

I feel more peaceful, for sure. I’m also more aware of what is NOT peaceful, and feel like I have some strategies for that as well.

THANK YOU!! You can tell when you’re having a thoughtfully curated experience, and that’s what it felt like the thread was throughout the week… every experience was so thoughtfully chosen!

~Stephanie (far right)


I feel more in touch and in tune with others and their energy. I know how to help others get through some of the healing they need. I feel more confident.

I really enjoy the sisterhood, the camaraderie and hearing other people ask questions I may not have thought to ask. 

I loved the retreat!!

~Tiara (far left)



I came to the retreat to gather with like minded people and to put the principles of energy work into practice. My favorite part was being with the women and being able to lift each other up. There's no competeition, no judgement. We all just want to help. It's real! It's not fake. It's real, raw emotion and love. 

I know myself so much better. I've always known who I am deep down, but to let myself be myself has been so good. I realized I've been closed off. Now I can be me with no apologies!

It's mind-blowing how great I feel and I can't wait to share this with my sound-healing and reiki clients!

~Jill (Center)


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For 5 days we will focus on energetic mastery by immersing ourselves into energy work that you'll be able to take back and immediately implement into your daily life, career and relationships

1. Beautiful Accommodations

Experience the pinnacle of comfort and elegance in our meticulously curated AirBnB. Each room is a sanctuary of peace, offering top-tier amenities to ensure your stay is as relaxing as it is transformative. (double occupancy with an opportunity to upgrade to single occupancy)

2. Healthy Cuisine

Savor nourishing and delicious health-conscious meals prepared by our private chef. Using the freshest local ingredients, every dish is crafted to nourish your body and delight your senses, energizing you throughout the retreat.

3. Expert-Led Sessions

Benefit from the wisdom of Brenda Winkle, master energy healer (Reiki Master, Advanced ThetaHealing® Practitioner and Advanced Clendinning Technique Practitioner), a certified advanced trauma-informed Breathwork Facilitator and Somatic Coach. Through guided meditations, breathwork, and somatic healing sessions, Brenda will lead you on a path to energetic mastery.

4. Personalized Healing

Receive individualized attention with hot seat coaching sessions designed to address your unique needs. Whether you're looking to overcome specific challenges or simply deepen your understanding of your own energy, our tailored approach ensures profound personal growth.

5. Empowering Workshops

Engage in interactive workshops that teach practical tools for maintaining energetic balance and resilience in your daily life. These sessions are designed to equip you with skills you can integrate long after the retreat ends.

6. Connection and Community

Connect with like-minded women who share your drive and commitment to personal growth. The retreat offers a supportive environment where lifelong friendships and networks can flourish.

7. Nature and Relaxation

Immerse yourself in the serene beauty of Portland and Beaverton’s natural landscapes. Enjoy daily opportunities for outdoor activities such as guided hikes, forest bathing, and mindful nature walks, all designed to enhance your retreat experience.


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This exclusive retreat is designed specifically for sensitive and successful women over 40 who are ready to step into their power, refine their energy, and achieve unparalleled levels of fulfillment and success.


All this (and more) is possible for you at this exclusive intimate Energetic Mastery Retreat. 


Join me for 5 powerful days at the Energetic Mastery Retreat in a beautiful luxury AirBnB in the Portland, Oregon metro area.


Let's make your life something to brag about.

Hi! I'm Brenda Winkle.

I help you say yes to the things that light you up and no to the things that don't by blending the science of breathwork and somatic coaching with intuitive energy healing.


I guide sensitive, intuitive, and successful women towards self-actualization and personal empowerment by supporting them to heal their nervous system, set better boundaries, and understand energy so they say yes to the things that light them up and no to the things that don’t.


I’m one of very few healers and coaches with the knowledge, training and skill set to successfully blend the science of breathwork and somatic healing with of energy healing and spirituality. The result is a life-changing combination of intuitive access, increased nervous system capacity to stop people-pleasing, and a feeling of fulfillment.


I am the creator and host of the Yes Filled Life Podcasta podcast globally rated in the top 5% of all podcasts.