Happy New Year!! Did you make a resolution?
Jan 01, 2019
Happy New Year! Did you make a resolution?
Resolutions are so interesting. We make these resolutions to help with finances, health and relationships and yet many of us wake up on January 1 after indulging too much in food or drink the night before. It can easily set us up for some negative self talk to have started the new resolution not feeling out best or even unable to prioritize our health because we’re too tired, too bloated or even too hungover.
This can be because often these resolutions are often steeped in judgment of what we didn’t accomplish, things we didn’t attain and things we didn’t do. What if this year was different? What if, just this time, we didn’t try to “fix” something about ourselves? What would your year be like if you accepted yourself just as you are right in this moment?
Maya Angelou said, “If you must look back, do so forgivingly. If you must look forward, do so prayerfully. However, the wisest thing you can do is be present in the present… gratefully.”
An invitation to be present
I’d like to offer you an invitation. This year, instead of a resolution (to change, to do better, to be different) I would like to offer you an idea. I invite you to consider ringing in 2019 with an intention rather than a resolution.
I feel like I want the people in my life to lead by example, so I’m going to follow suit by sharing my intention for 2019. My intention for 2019 is to work toward wellness of mind, body and spirit by focusing on rich friendships and relationships, travel, nutrition, rest and play. I will be balancing work, rest and play with integrity in 2019.
How do you set an intention?
Setting an intention is simple. Simply focus upon what you would like to, well, focus upon. It’s been said that what we focus upon magnifies. An intention is a way to determine where you focus will be.
Your intention could be to experience more love, to focus on better health, to look at your situation differently or to bring more balance to your life. It’s YOUR intention, so you get to decide what that looks like. What would it be like for you if your intention was nurturing to your body or soul? Would things be different if you found gratitude in your day to day life? What if you could accept yourself just as you are in this moment and truly love who you are both inside and out?
I invite you to consider what it might be like for you if you approach your intention by focusing on the action you will take. Perhaps you need to be more gentle with yourself and speak more lovingly with your internal dialogue. It might be that your intention could be centered
So….what would I do first?
Have you seen the sweet cartoon where one person asks another person what they plan to see in 2019 and the other one answers, “flowers”. The first person asks the second person why they think they’ll be seeing flowers and the second answers, “because I’m planting seeds for flowers”.
What will you plant for 2019? Maybe, even if it’s just for today, you can focus on that can bring more love and joy into your life. Maybe, just for a few moments, you can allow your inner dialogue to nurture and build you up. Maybe, even if it’s just for the next hour, you can find ways to truly love yourself – body, mind and soul.
If you feel called to share, I’d love to know your intentions for 2019. Feel free to comment or message me!
All my love,