A note I wrote on self care
Feb 16, 2017
I was sorting through some paperwork this week when I found a note I’d written to myself about self care. I do that from time to time – I write myself letters and notes and detach them from my journal so I can find that at the time I most need them.
This was no exception. Except this time, I’m being guided to share it with you because one of you reading REALLY needs this. Instead of reading it as I wrote it, pretend it’s addressed to you. Here it is.
A letter on self care
“Dear One
When you forget to take care of yourself, everyone around you suffers. It’s ok and important to take care of you and to allow time for whatever it is you want to do.
Here are some ideas!
- Massage
- Hot bath
- Reiki
- Coffee/tea with friends
- tea party
- dinner out
- yoga
- reading for pleasure
- friend time
- walks or hikes
- educational classes
- fullfillment – do something that makes you happy
- quality time with your loved ones
- a great movie
- friends
- spiritual time
- be present
- live theatre
I want you to take care of yourself. I need you to be your best self and that will ONLY happen if you take good care of yourself.
I love you. You are important. You are worth it.
How did that feel? If it struck a chord within you, it’s time for more self care. Wondering how to carve out time for self care? Anxious to learn how to care for yourself without the guilt? Empowered You is just what you are looking for. Enrollment ends soon. Whether you are ready to feel better, be calmer, take better care of yourself, prioritize your life differently or connect with your Higher Power AND Higher Self in a new way… this could be the answer. I hope you’ll take the time to check it out.
All my love,